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story testimonial

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The following article is as I received it.


I've finally got a minute and want to write a full-throated endorsement of your products on several fronts.





My fides are, if I may say so, fairly impressive. LOL!

I've been a bow hunter, rifle hunter and field engineer in many states. Endured cold weather and VERY nasty wind after 40 years in North Dakota and Montana and the Tug Hill Plateau in upstate NY. I am well experienced in the cold and nasty weather.

I was working in Syracuse for the FAA, on the Tug Hill Plateau in upstate. It’s the snowiest spot in the lower 48. (Thanks for asking! LOL)

I first ran across Wiggy's products while in SYR. My paramour had a sleeping bag that her dead husband, a New York Department of Conservation Officer had left behind. I'm sure that Jerry is familiar with them. He was based in Raybrook NY. Region 5.

As fate would have it, it was a Wiggys bag. He used it in a snowy, wet region of the Adirondacks and ALWAYS used it.

WIGGYS, says I, WTF are they? After I retired from the FAA, I moved home to Colorado Springs. I needed a sleeping bag that worked in cold weather better than my old Snow Lion, synthetic of late ‘70s vintage, and I recalled Wiggys name. I researched further, lo, Wiggys is based in Grand Junction, CO. right over the hill from my present home.

Well, I’ve been a field engineer, outdoorsman and researcher for 50 years. I’ve seen and heard my share, and someone else’s, of bombast and baloney and know that “Marketing” is just another term for spinning untruths for profit. The only true measure is to try it oneself. And so, I have and am pleased to write this recommendation.

I didn't want to invest a ton of cash in what might be nothing but bombast so I started small.


I walk about my townhouse in socks for most of the winter and get chilly feet. I got interested in booties and the price didn’t constitute an unreasonable expense, so a set was ordered. I was impressed with the materials and workmanship.

The workmanship was far better than anything else on the market today. No Irish Pennants, bad sewing or any of the other so common traits.

The best part is this. THEY WORK!!

A short word here on Jerry’s theories and practicalities. GET RID OF THE WATER. There really is no such thing as breathable, waterproof material. Did I say that loud enough!! There really is no such thing as breathable, waterproof material!!! Gore has been feeding you baloney, and cheerfully taking your money, for many years with absolutely no evidence to support their claims. I won’t belabor the point, but if Gore said it, you, and on some equipment I, paid a great deal of cash for unprovable foolishness. Pay attention to Jerry. He has a wealth of practical experience that is provable.

Lamilite works and works WELL when it's wet or dry. Down is great, over the years I have accumulated a great deal of down equipment, but when it's wet (and after a day out in the field, IT'S WET and you will play merry hell trying to dry it while you’re out in the bush) IT'S A WASTE OF TIME! Lamilite is the best material to keep your butt, and the rest of you, warm and dry. In all my years as an outdoorsman, engineer and tradesman it's the best I've come across. Bar none. Superior to down and all the synthetics, that includes Primaloft, I've ever used.

The booties work so well I bought a set for my youngest daughter, who is a night check RN, as well as my paramour from Syracuse NY. Who is many things, but not quiet in her criticism of things that don’t work?

The workmanship of the product is superior and I've bought more gear based on the performance of this product.


Yes, I bought a set. They fit inside my standard boot without going to a larger size and they work. Forget all that happy talk about “these boots are insulated with 1000 denier of the latest super insulation”. Buy the uninsulated boots and put a pair of Wiggy's sox on first. You’ll be happier, warmer and not so angry when your brand new super deluxe boots guaranteed to take your money, don’t keep your feet warm.

Jacket liner


My next purchases were a jacket liner and a DUCKSBACK sweater. Once again, the workmanship and quality were excellent! I’ve had a chance last winter to test the performance claims. They meet, and exceed, ALL expectations


Fishnet Underwear


Yes, Fishnet long underwear. Surely this was balonium at its finest. I WAS WRONG!!! (Try saying THAT fast 3 times!) It works and works well. Your body is a heat engine and when working your body emits water. Water is what gets you cold and keeps you cold. If you get the water away from your skin, your ahead of the game. The Fishnets do exactly that. You sweat; the fishnets let the water move away from your skin. I’ve tried everything from fleece, poly and silk long underwear. They keep you warm enough when you’re not moving but YOU’VE GOT TO WORK WHEN YOURE UP THERE.

Years ago, I bow hunted off the North side of Blue Mountain in PA. Could never get the dressing correct. Always arrived at my stand, covered in sweat from the climb and then proceeded to freeze as I dried out. I’m amazed that the deer even came close enough to get a shot off as my teeth were chattering loudly enough to scare God away.

The last 2 years I hunted Blue Mountain, I finally got it figured out. I’d get to the bottom of the trail, strip to my “T” shirt, stuff my down jacked into my pack and make the climb. My mates were sure I was totally daft! LOL! BUT I got to the ridge top, toweled dry, donned my down jacket and stayed quite comfortable and, yes, scored a couple of good sized bucks. Temps were in the teens during the late deer season.

The point is, you must understand your mission, and dress accordingly.

To make an exceedingly long story short. Wiggy’s is the best equipment I’ve EVER come across for cold weather. I HIGHLY recommend his equipment.





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PO Box 2124
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(970) 241-6465

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When it comes to extreme cold weather gear, Wiggy's has you covered.

Check out all our products from sleeping bags & shelters to footwear & clothing. Our uniquely developed continuous filament fiber called Lamilite insulation is what sets Wiggy brand insulated products apart. What is Lamilite and why does it perform better than all other forms of insulation? Click here to keep reading & find out more »

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