Free shipping will be via FedEx, US Postal Service, or UPS ground shipping. If you would like expedited shipping, you will be able to choose that during checkout.
PLEASE KNOW that we can ship to virtually any address in the world.
When you place an order that ships to Alaska, Hawaii, or outside of the USA, the buyer pays for shipping. We will estimate shipping costs & delivery dates for you based on the availability of your items and the shipping options you choose. Please note that our site uses general information about each product's weigth and dimensions in conjunction with your approximate location (based on the zip code you enter) to generate quotes for expedited shipping & shipments outside of the lower 48 states. If you'd like a more precise quote, we encourage you to call in your order for the most accurate pricing & delivery options.
For expedited shipping, please be aware that we typically ship orders out Monday - Friday only. If you place an order on Saturday or Sunday, your order will ship out Monday morning.
You may return damaged/defective items and most new, unopened items within 30 days, excluding face masks. Customer is responsible for cost of shipping the item(s) back to Wiggy's and also for the cost of shipping the replacement item(s) back to the customer. If you would like a refund, there will be a 25% restocking fee or an option of store credit in full for a period of one year. (The 25% restocking fee covers our lost shipping costs, credit card processing costs, and other incurred expenses).
To contact us, call Toll Free: (866) 411-6465 or contact us via eMail »
PLEASE NOTE: In order to avoid the restocking fee, we strongly recommend that you contact us if you are uncertain about the sizing or other aspect of the items you're interested in. We'll be happy to answer any questions you have and can help assure that the item you select is the best one for you.