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amazon is not good for the economy

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One fellow wrote asking why I did not sell my products through them and my initial response was because they would reduce the prices and therefore my margin. However, that is just the beginning.

I cannot imagine someone calling them for technical information. Would you get a person? The answer is no. What about the guarantee I give, would they also do that? No! What if you wanted to return the product, I imagine it is sent back to the company amazon bought it from

The reason I do not sell retail stores is for the same reasons. However, retailers have become drug stores and want to sell every product they can get their hands on. The employees will direct the customer to whatever the customer wants and will NOT ever tell the customer the differences between one brand and another. If the store had Wiggy’s bags would the employee state the guarantee or the fact that it is the only machine washable and dryable bag on the market, etc. if the employee did that then the store would not sell any other brand and that is a no, no?

As amazon has gotten larger they have caused mom and pop shops to close all over the country. They are also hurting stores like Dick’s as well. So many people are losing their jobs. That means local cities are not seeing tax revenues which means the states where these cities are located, that means all 50 are too losing their share of the tax revenues. The states will eventually convince the federal government to pass a law requiring ALL mail order companies to collect taxes for every one of those 50 states. The end result will be an added cost for the product to cover the costs associated with keeping records and making payments to every state. Now tell me if amazon is so good for the economy?

I see nike has a program with them, so that means you can be sure to get much less quality product than you did going into a brick and mortar store. At least that is my opinion.

I find it disconcerting to know that people in the USA for the most part do not necessarily support USA made products.My customers are fortunate because when they invest in a Wiggy product, it is made in the USA and I am very proud of that fact. Just for the record I do not now have not in the past nor will in the future patronize amazon.

When the management of amazon dies they will not be remembered for developing anything of sustained value for humanity like a Steve Jobs did.

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