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another 30 year bag

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I absolutely must echo every aspect of the letter Bob wrote to you.
Though, I've never used your rectangular bags, I do have a 30yr old bag that is still crushing it in the back-country.

Thank you so much for your unwavering attention to your work, products, and straight quality. You have done no less than help make some very tough real-world situations far more than livable and survivable, but actually comfortable in the face of extreme weather and circumstances not for the faint of heart. The confidence this engenders for us, your clientele, cannot be undervalued.

As 1 bag is always in the car or truck, I never have to be concerned about sleeping out of doors without sufficient coverage should the unplanned occur, or worse.

Have never found another bag to be even slightly comparable to yours.

A Heartfelt thanks to you and crew,

Heartfelt thanks comes from me to you!!!

The year was 1987 when I was already selling my sleeping bags when a friend at the time who had worked for Sierra Designs told me I had a problem. I asked what it was? He said my bags were to good, and therefore my customers would only buy one bag. My response was, if my sleeping bags are so good my customers will become my best salesman. I am very happy to say I was correct and my customers have become just that; “my best salesman.”

As for my customers buying only one bag, I had no idea if that would be the case. As time has shown this fellow did not know what he was talking about.

I learned over time that my customers would soon be buying my sleeping bags for family members as well as additional bags for themselves.

The reason was because they learned that my sleeping bags performed as advertised. They were warm, could be laundered and you could keep them stuffed in their stuff sacks for storage.

As time has gone by my sleeping bags showed they were not affected by water, something I was not aware of. So, I was learning from my customers. the sleeping bags resistance to water was but one thing I learned about the sleeping bags I was manufacturing.

During the past 35 years of writing newsletters and publishing testimonials such as Chris, people, customers and those yet to become customers have I hope learned from those customers who have taken the opportunity to write to me their experiences with their Wiggy’s bag.

Today the list of customers numbers in the thousands and there are many who bought my sleeping bags in the late 80’s and on ward who are still using them and now I have no knowledge how many of these customers are owners of multiple Wiggy’s sleeping bags. I can tell you today customers old and new quite often buy two or more bags at a time.

So much for this former friend saying people would only buy one bag because they were so good. He was correct in saying they were so good but that is all he said that was correct.

I have a debt of gratitude for all of my customers who have helped Wiggy’s a long the way to becoming the largest sleeping bag manufacturer in the world. An enormous THANK YOU TO ONE AND ALL FOR YOUR HELP. And they are made in America.

The following e mail arrived after i finished the article.

Hello Wiggy,

We've been customers for many years and have converted several Friends who had questioned and even bet, (thanks for the extra money we won), that North Face and several other "no sleep bags" worked as well as anything you sold!? One Friend who lives in Alaska thought that his military issue GoreTex bag setup was alright but a bit cold and bet Wiggy couldn't do any better!? I sent him my Artic bag with ground pad and waited. After his hunt, (last year), he was very reluctant to return my gear! I laughed and told him to send my gear or the money to but new, he sent my gear and went to your site to order from you. Needless to say he now shouts your praises from sea to shinning sea! As far as we're concerned your gear has never and will never be beat! Keep up the great work and thank you for taking care of all of us!

Michele and I read your latest letter with great concern! We've always added you to our prayers along with Kok and, (now knowing her name), Pum and will continue to do so. We were very glad to see that you have kicked that horrible sickness and are able to return to what you love best! You're one of the really "good ones" and we are extremely happy to keep buying and letting people know just how good your gear is.

Warm regards,

Ed & Michele

Wiggy's Signature

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