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canadians are you listening

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What the Canadian repot I believe left out was the probability that they had to medivac soldiers that were suffering frost bite or were becoming hypothermic. There was a reason for this to happen.


These soldiers are dressed for the arctic with several clothing layers starting with a close knit base layer of long underwear. They were going through their exercises and obviously generating lots of sweat that was being trapped in their clothing. at the end of their day being in the arctic even if they went into tents with heaters, they did not remove much clothing. after eating it was into the sleeping bags to warm up. I suspect they were in a constant state of chill. Getting into their sleeping bags made little if any difference.


Imagine several hundred young heathy man dressed in the same clothing eating the same food in the same location involved in the same activity to a man being cold.

They were cold because all of the moisture, sweat they were generating stayed in their clothing and that moisture was drawing all of the heat their bodies were generating. They were never going to get warm as they found out but did not understand why. So, they became prime candidates to become hypothermic.

In January 2001 a 16 man SEAL team were training on Fort Richardson Alaska when they were hit with a very big snowstorm. They had to hunker down in their tents. Ultimately they were medevac’d out with 12 of the 16 in hospital for frost bite and hypothermia. They were using lite loft insulated sleeping bags from sierra designs. This was written up in the Anchorage Dailey News.

I do not believe for one minute they didn’t have to medivac some for the same reason.

It is a commonly known fact that people who have been in similar situation who have a Wiggy’s bag get into the bag and they warm quickly and sleep. In the morning they are dry. It does not matter the temperature so long as the bag is made for that use.

If they the Canadians were issuing my Antarctic bag to these troops the hundreds of them would have been fine.

The efficiency of Lamilite to stifle heated air movement is nothing short of remarkable. That heated air trapped in the Antarctic sleeping bag will serve to drive the moisture out of the bag and their cloth will also be dry.

The powers to be at that secret [?] meeting were told all of this.

They just do not accept that some one would have all of this information i.e. knowledge.

The real reason I would not consider bidding is because they insulted my intelligence.

For those of you considering the purchase of a sleeping bag you have but one option and that option is a sleeping bag that would very well save your life.

Canadians are you listening.

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