Posted by JERRY WIGUTOW on Mar 16th, 2017
Hypocrisy; a pretense of having some desirable or publicly approved attitude.
The following article was published on the SPG’s business e mail that I receive each day; ASTOUNDING!
Textile Exchange and NSF International are working together to merge the Responsible Down and the Global Traceable Down Standards into one global down standard. The two parties intend to combine and improve the attributes from each of the current standards, which will result in a best practice standard that respects the treatment of birds throughout the down supply chain.
The two standards share the common goal of ensuring that best practices are in place to respect the Five Freedoms of birds throughout the supply chain. The Five Freedoms, according to the Farm Animal Welfare Council, include freedom from hunger and thirst, freedom from discomfort, freedom from pain, injury or disease, freedom to express normal behavior and freedom from fear and distress.
These organizations believe that what they are doing is in the best interest of the birds. They also believe that the general public agrees with what they are doing. However I would be shocked to find out that anyone reading this article thinks that it is in the best interest of the birds since the birds will be killed after they have been coddled. Isn’t this procedure just wonderful so anyone who buys a down filled garment or sleeping bag will in the minuscule minds of these companies employees think those in the general public will feel much better about buying one of these products because of the so called concern.
Currently, more than 80 brands have chosen to certify their down supply chain to either the Responsible Down Standard or the Global Traceable Down Standard
If you go to the website you will see all of the brands that endorse this behavior.
Together, Textile Exchange and NSF International are committed to an open and transparent process to merge the standards by creating an international working group with representatives from brands, suppliers, animal welfare groups and other interested parties. These same stakeholders were involved in the development of the current standards.
Interested parties are invited to join the working group, which kicks off in March 2017. If you would like to join the International Down Standard Working Group or submit feedback on the process, email
The reality of their actions is despicable!!!!!!!!!!!!
The eVent Fabrics company in an article in the same publication states the following I quote; “eVent Fabrics created the first fully waterproof and air permeable membrane technology”. They have changed their language from breathable to air permeable as if that makes a difference. They are as dense as the Gore employees in not accepting what they are speaking of does not exist nor can man make an inanimate object function in this manner. The only thing a man can make that is waterproof and breathable is another human being.
I do not understand why companies and it may be in other industries besides the textile industry that chose to offer the general public products that are of equal trash as is offed in the textile industry. In the textile industry research id faked at all levels I believe.
Hypocrisy reigns supreme and ethical behavior no longer exists.