The sale pricing for the sleeping bags has been going on for over two years. Many people call or write asking how long it will continue, and my stock answer is always "until the economy gets better". Hearing this is a relief to almost everyone. However it is not a good sign if the economy [...]
The Lamina line of sleeping bags is manufactured in China for the Mountain Hardwear Company (MH). When the line was first introduced I questioned Paul Kramer who was at the time an owner of the company why he chose the name Lamina and he said it was as close to LAMILITE as could be found. [...]
There has been a great deal of talk by politicians for the past five years about bringing jobs back to the U.S.A. However, as we have seen that has not happened and there is a reason why. What is taking place in the outdoor industry may very well be happening in other industries as well. [...]