The “sweat without feeling wet” jacketFebruary 12th, 2018 / By: IFAI / What's New?Are you sure you wish to continue? Osmotex has tested its new HYDRO_BOT technology in a prototype jacket. It expects the technology to be used in sportswear brands’ garments sometime this year. Photo: Osmotex.One year after the Swiss-Norwegian company Osmotex AG announced the innovative HYDRO_BOT technology, it [...]
MORE ABOUT DRY SUIT INSULATED UNDERWEARI decided to do some research into this form of underwear and learned that the companies that market dry suit insulated underwear are very remiss in understanding what type of fabrics they should be made from. I believe the people who run these companies do not use logic because using logic means that [...]
DRY SUIT LINER JACKETFor several years I made a two piece insulated diver’s suit. This was directed towards professional divers.After discussing with divers what the problems are that they experience as a result of working in a dry suit under water they all agreed it was their sweat. Obviously it cannot escape. The answer was to make the garments [...]
MANIKIN HISTORY.The following is the history to how the copper manikin came to be a piece of equipment made to support what is actually impossible to prove. I maintain that it is categorically impossible to build a machine that can ever duplicate or even closely equate to how a living breathing human responds to all of the different climatic [...]
CATS AND DOGS HAVE BEEN PERENIAL FAVORITES OF WIGGY’S BAGS.Jerry,Last Sunday, my dog ran back to the house howling in pain with a clearly broken radius and ulna. Poor guy underwent surgery and received a pin and a rod that was inserted into his bones. He’s on the mend and getting better. Last night, as I was putting him into [...]
DRESSING APPROPRIATELY FOR COLD WEATHER CONDITIONSAll of the clothing companies that serve the people who like to go into the outdoors during the winter months know that it is important to have a good base layer; the first article of clothing that you wear is referred to as the base layer. The problem is that the base layers [...]
MORE PRODUCTS SPOKEN OFReport on Wind shirt and Pogies. Rode bike Saturday in Alaska in - 14.5F! Was out for about 1 hour 20 minutes! Wore fishnets top, light poly shirt (similar to Wiggy's 2nd layer shirt) and then Wind shirt. Had no cold issues even with sweating! Pogies are warm. Been wearing fingerless cycling gloves with poly liner [...]
WHY I DO NOT NEED AN ADVERTISING AGENCYHi JerryFinally a test day. Instead of watching the super bowl I cut wood. It was 18 degrees with a 17 mph wind out of the north. Had on fishnet top and bottom with just a pair of denim jeans, a cotton shirt and heavy duty zip up [...]
WIGGY’S FOR SURVIVAL IF NEEDEDAND OTHER USESJerry,I would like to thank you for your fast delivery of the custom sized sleeping bag. Antarctic bags double wide, boat foot, mummy bag with the FTRSS over bag. It's PERFECT, Thank you and all your workers for making such a beautiful product. I was explaining to you I have Ultima Thule with [...]
A SHOE MADE FOR PLANNED OBSOLESCENCEThe following is reprinted from SNEWS online publication for the outdoor industry. The company Xero Shoes is new to me. But they clearly represent the direction of the outdoor industry in my opinion.Elevator Pitch | Xero Shoes DayLite HikerRide the elevator with CEO Steven Sashen. For a casual dayhike, a heavy, stiff, technical hiking [...]