EMBELLISHING Embellishing...make (a statement or story) more interesting or entertaining by adding extra details, especially ones that are not true. Unlike other companies who Over-Embellish their products, you are guilty of Under-Embellishment...prime examples are your "Sweater" and Nomex "Shirt jack". I've been wearing one of your Sweaters since 1999. It has been worn almost exclusively from September to [...]
Wearing wool improves sleep quality, study finds22/01/2025A study from researchers at the University of Sydney has found that adults wearing wool sleepwear fall asleep faster.As a starting point, the research team said there is often a link between “sleep disturbance” in adults who have no health concerns and the thermal environment.In the study the team assessed the impact on sleep [...]
THEY KEEP GETTING BETTER I almost always sleep in a tent in the winter. Camp about every weekend. Last two weeks decided to sleep in the SUV. This allowed me to camp in some remote areas. Both were very exposed. It was well below zero F, with wind chills that were deadly. I used your Antarctica [...]
She was delivered at dark in the timber, 17 degrees. Mom did her best to dry her off. I put your jacket on her and moved her into the barn - Mother and baby are fine. Thanks Wiggy! Jim W I have been saving humans for years, now a calf. We haven’t sold to many ranchers, maybe this will [...]
I AM EXCITEDGood morning,I felt as though wearing your clothes for so many years I should take the time to thank you for the time spent outdoors and not being cold.I am in central Illinois and while the winters are not exceptionally brutal, your clothes have made them more than bearable.First off, the liner jacket. When the weather turns cold [...]
BONE CHILLING VORTEXJerry, Like, most of the nation for the last couple of days, Michigan has had a polar vortex. When it gets single digit and below zero, I break out your parka. It never fails to amaze me how efficient the insulation is. I made the mistake of layering when I first put it on. Keep in mind, [...]
1.The poncho that saved our livesHello, a few years ago, my hunting partner and I were on a remote butte in the middle of a wilderness. We were hunting Blacktail Deer. About a half mile away was a 1000-foot-high hill. Here, in the western states, anything under 3,000 feet is a hill. Anyway, it was late afternoon when we [...]
FIRE RETARDANT PARKASFive years ago, I published on the Wiggy web site my video “NO BURN” where I put a blow torch to a couple of Wiggy sleeping bags demonstrating that the Lamilite is non-combustible. What I was demonstrating is the fact that taking the source of flame away from the Lamilite the burning stops. Also, I put my [...]
WELCOME SPRING AND SUMMER I know it is only January and quite cold at this moment, but spring and summer will be following soon. These past two weeks have been very productive for Wiggy’s on the supply side. I have secured 22,000 yards of domestic 70 denier nylon taffeta pure finish [no chemicals added] in the color black and royal blue. [...]