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the easiest and least expensive way you stay warm

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It is wintertime here in Grand Junction. Temperatures starting the day in the teens and rising to maybe 40 at the height of the day. Not particularly cold since we have very low humidity. But I see lots of people wearing thinly quilted jackets that they do not open when they go into stores that are heated.

Why are they not opening their jackets, because they are cold? Why are they cold in these quilted winter jackets, because the jackets are form fitting and the garments worn under these form fitting jackets are also form fitting. These garments are advertised as cold weather garments. Well they are cold weather garments because they keep you cold. Makes sense to me.

Actually, aside from the fact that they are not meant for cold weather use as is. These garments are very successfully trapping the moisture that is coming out of the body of each and ever person with no place to go. It is not venting as we have learned from Gerry Cunningham; venting allowing the body produced moisture is vital to staying warm.

If these people opened their jackets as a start, they would begin to warm up reasonable quickly. But the don’t so their body produced moisture just keeps on absorbing the heat from their body so the keep from getting warm.

Another reason why these forms fitting thinly quilted garments that are quite expensive; I saw several styles on the Patagonia web site starting at $200.00 and reaching about $350.00. the Patagonia garments are the lowest priced models, with the north face and several others getting into the stratosphere of $600.00.

Wiggy’s isn’t as fancy but the liner jackets for $57.00 are warmer.

You now know what you need to stay warm.

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