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will inventions never stop

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The above title is for an article I read in the online publication Outdoor-insight, a UK online magazine.

It states and I quote; ‘The various fillings and outer materials combine the properties which sportsman and women need in different situations. For example breathability is very important (I agree if you are not breathing would you be outdoors, so it is important that you are breathing) for highly active mountaineers. Why? Because they sweat more, they can become chilled (become chilled or better said do get chilled) or over heat without proper ventilation”.

Mountaineers in my opinion are glutens for punishment. They wear the most advanced clothing that traps all of the moisture they expel and then they sleep in the lightest weight down bags so the moisture from their bodies is always with them. Of course they receive so much of this stuff gratis or are even paid to use the stuff, so they always say good things about the products regardless how much discomfort they experience. Reaching the summit is all that matters. Not to worry help is on the way.

I quote; “New technologies which keep consumers warm (maybe they should show this to the mountaineers) even if they (who are they) sweat are appearing all the time. Ventrix technology from The North Face is one such system (this suggests there are more systems but not mentioned in the article) –it features lasered ventilation holes. If the person wearing the garment is standing still the holes remain closed and trap the warmth. If the person is moving, they open dynamically, providing ventilation and regulating torso temperature.”

I never ceased to be amazed at what these entire large well-known companies dream up to present with the most glorious language for the general public to spend money on. Folks just a little hint if you go into a store that happens to carry jackets made with this fabric please be sure you are wearing chest waders and are carrying a shovel.

First there was goretex and 40 odd years later we have ventrix. What will they think of next?

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