Posted by jerry wigutow on Jan 23rd, 2025
Jerry, Like, most of the nation for the last couple of days, Michigan has had a polar vortex.
When it gets single digit and below zero, I break out your parka.
It never fails to amaze me how efficient the insulation is. I made the mistake of layering when I first put it on. Keep in mind, this is going from car to store, car to house, etc.
I soon found better results by wearing just a t-shirt under it and being plenty warm.
Quite a parka you sold me all those years ago. I'm thinking it's been a full 20 years now since I bought it.
I remember the first time I wore it. Your parka quickly outclassed the L.L. Bean down parka I was wearing at the time. This is back when Bean was still selling the nice thick and bulky parkas and not the thinner "urban" parkas they are producing now.
Thanks for the very effective parka!
Kent, thank you.
Kent, we have had many comments of the same as yours since the cold has descended. We also have been inundated with orders for the Antarctic parka in numbers that are unpresented for Wiggy’s. maybe the influx of buyers is preparing for the future since the parkas are long lasting.
Thank You very much, Jerry!
I really enjoy these socks for hiking and in my drysuit for kayaking - much better than wool!
It feels as if the Lamilite pushes itself into every tiny space, around my foot, where there is no contact to the neoprene boots and that makes for a comfortable feeling of warmth and "spaciousness" where I can freely move my toes thus improving blood circulation, where a wool sock would not permit much movement. The insulation of the Lamilite is better too, I feel, because it does not saturate with moisture, like wool.
Boris, thank you
Boris is using the Lamilite socks in an enclosed area where the moisture simply cannot get away. but he is not experiencing cold feet.
Now if you are wearing any brand of winter boot it is without a doubt lined with gortex and therefore your feet are in the same circumstance as Kent’s feet. If Kent’s feet don’t get cold in a neoprene boot you should not get cold in your hunting boot when wearing the Lamilite socks.
Last, we the breeder who I received Cookie from thought I might be interested in a 4-year-old female standard poodle she had the wasn’t able to breed. So, she kept her as a pet. She sent me a photo and I went to meet her, and she came home with me. the first 2 days were somewhat challenging but she like Cookie or all poodles is a quick learner.
In the coming weeks I will post a picture and fill in more information as to how she is doing as well as me. to those who to get a pup getting a grown dog is better for me.