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reinvent the wheel?

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I enjoyed reading your “Wiggy’s News and Commentary” about the Canadian Military and their chuckleheads trying to reinvent the wheel, or change some laws of physics I guess!!

Being retired USAF aircrew I do not claim to know everything there is to know about sleeping outside on the ground in cold, inclement weather, but I know enough to ask the guys that do that for a living and what works. Army Rangers, Navy SEALs, USAF PJs and CCT members all told me the same thing, “when things turn to shit and they will, you can always count on your Wiggy’s sleeping bag to perform,”

Your Sleeping Bags ARE survival equipment and not just for arctic exercises but everyday situations. We were airlifting some U.S. Army rangers to Ft. Wainwright, Alaska for a cold weather exercise from Altus AFB Oklahoma. I saw their ALICE packs on the ground in front of our C5A and they all had a black sleeping bag secured to the rucks. I asked one of the sergeants if they were the G.I. “new, high speed sleeping system”. “Aww hell no, that issue bag sucks, these are Wiggy’s Ultima Thule bags, best, warmest bag that won’t let you down”.
I asked how to get one,, “look in the back of the Army Times” pretty expensive but worth every penny,,,”.

That was fall of 1990, I got your Ultima Thule bag and that bag followed me around the world, kept me warm and comfortable for the next 20 years. In fact that same bag was with me last winter at Lake of the Woods!!

That “expensive” bag is probably the most economical thing I’ve ever purchased!!

As an added bonus, you are an experienced outfitter that is willing to share your knowledge about staying warm and safe in the great outdoors.

Thanks again for sharing your knowledge and expertise and producing Outstanding, Made in USA equipment!!

Air Force Wayne


You have just read the testimonial I received this morning.


Wayne, you have my greatest appreciation for sending it to me.


Since you made your purchase in the fall of 1990, I am proud to say I have supplied hundreds of the Ultima Thule and Antarctic bags to all the members of these organizations you mentioned.


As far as the Canadians are concerned, I have been told the powers to be working with the manufacturer of the bags that failed. Since they have not called me, I expect that whatever they do concocted will fail equally as what they already made. “They can’t reinvent the wheel or change some laws of physics”.


I have worked with two Canadian companies on two different projects and in both cases once they were given the cost the ended communication with me. were they told to stay away from me? Probably, because those in charge do not want to lose their jobs, I guess.


It is common for me to receive communication from guys long out of the military who have kept their Wiggy bags and as a result are buying Wiggy bags for their family.


Sales of these two models have increased significantly in the past two years.



Wiggy's Signature

shipping to alaska

IMPORTANT SHIPPING INFORMATION FOR ALASKANS   I have recently had the opportunity to get involved with shipments to Alaska.   When we use Federal Express, the service is faster and the cost of one of our Antarctic bags is about $90.00 versus $150.00 via USPS.   The downside is that F.E. does not go to areas away from the cities such [...]

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what if

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freedom shelter bag and arctic parkas

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sleeping bags for canadian soldiers

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TESTIMONIALS       Mr Wiggy   We recently purchased Superlight bags for our four pre-teen children as Christmas gifts. We used the bags during the ARRL Winter Field Day. Field Day is a twice-yearly event un which amateur radio operators set up grid stations to test emergency communications. At our location it was freezing all day and night temps below [...]

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An interesting conversation   Good afternoon- Dave here, a retired combat veteran Marine and Federal agent residing on the Canadian border in NW Montana.  I have used several of your products over the years and have been very pleased.   I am now an outdoor writer, backcountry guide, avid hunter, trapper and test gear for many companies who value my [...]

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heads up

HEADS UP   I found out today a shipment of tan nylon that I was supposed to receive two months ago is enroute to us.   Two months ago, I received and returned coated tan nylon that was shipped in error. They found the correct goods.   As always first quality pure finish [no chemicals added to them] goods.   I have added [...]

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