Posted by jerry wigutow on Jan 15th, 2025
I have spoken with many people who suffer from neuropathy of the fingers as well as feet. Treating the fingers is easy, just wear Lamilite mittens. Never wear gloves because separating the fingers causes more pain. Having the fingers touching each other helps to keep them warm. Of course, wearing Lamilite insulated mittens is the key to keeping hands warm.
Neuropathy of the feet is much different. because the feet give off so much moisture that must be delt with. Lamilite socks really do solve the problem versus wool socks or the like that retain the moisture. the Lamilite socks warm and allow the moisture to move to the inside of a boot. Next depending upon temperature, you wear the over boots or muk luks. The level of Lamilite in these footwear items will perform from -30 [over boots] to -60 [muk luks].
I have experienced neuropathy of my feet so I can speak from experience. It has been 6 weeks since my last visit to the foot doctor where I received my last shock wave treatment, and I have not had any tingling or other problems since. The Zimmer machine is a miracle machine as far as I am concerned. I have found out medical insurance does not cover the procedure, pity.